miércoles, 16 de julio de 2014

viernes, 11 de julio de 2014

Resting :)

It’s only the second week, and I’m feeling tired already.

I tried to finish Paris in only one week, I was across the city every day, walking like crazy, feeling happy to be here, but I think it wasn’t necessary, I will have enough time here.

Now, this week I’ve been acting in a different way. I take some time for resting when I get tired, visit one place by day and get to know it better, with no rush.

Food in France is amazing, I love it. But it’s so different to the Mexican one, I miss spicy and tortillas every day J I think it’s going to be hard to adapt to that, but I’m trying, and I go to a new place every day to taste different kind  of food from another countries.

We, as a group, have a lot of plans for next week, and now I’m covering forces to exploit it in the best way I can. 

Deuxième semaine

Human Resources In France

After the first week of classes, I felt satisfied with the knowledge adquired, and very happy because we had a great professor.

But now I feel even better, Human Resources in France was an amazing class, with a great professor Steve Kruse, who is a person that also love his job, and we noted that he is a full experience person, and with a lot of histories to tell so we can understand better the issues in class.

Was a lot of information in a few days, but very interesting and the most important thing, was very helpful for our final projects, and helped my team work to decide the course of it.

I learned that France is a really good country to be employed, they are very protected in every single way, and that is an incentive for them to work in a better way, is something that Mexico should consider for their employees.

martes, 8 de julio de 2014

A whole new world :)

I love the feeling of finding differents places, to get lost in a new city and find your way back home while step by step you get amazed of everything you see. 

Is hard to explain everything on my mind right now, but I can definitily say that I have a one life opportunity, and I will exploit it in the best way I can. 

First of all, my group is great, I never saw them before and we kind of clic immediately, we all have a good relation and we help each other. We have different ages, careers, masters and PhD's, so we can contribute with our knowledges in our areas, or just in our lifes. And this make our relación richer.

It's been only one week, fool of experiences, and I just can't wait to see what's next :D

First week!

Starting classes with a French Dr. was great.To find a person who loves his job is hard in this time.

You can easily see that Dr. Jean-Louis Burban is in love with the history of his country, the way he told us about the changes in Europe and how France had to face them in the best way, caught our attention all the time, we wanted to know more and more.

We only had three days with him, not enough to absorb everything we could, but was a really good experience. The history of how Europe become united, viewed from a different perspective was amazing. We saw that history at school in Mexico, but now we know how an European person lived that changes, and how he felt about them.

European Union is a good example of how an economy should go, all countries working together, talking about their differences, problems, and how they solve them in the best way for all.

The entire process took a long time, was not easy, but now they are 28 countries, and a lot of more applying to get in, but they have to wait for an answer.